Rumour has it, that 2019 only starts in February lol, so Happy 2019 to you all.
I've read a good few books over the last few months and one I enjoyed the most was Still Me, it's the 3rd part to Me before You and if you haven't heard of or read that one yet I suggest you read it soon.
Also don't, I repeat Do Not watch the movie before reading the book, although Emilia Clarke has done absolute justice to the character Louisa Clark, it all makes so much more sense after reading the book.
The story begins at US customs, where Louisa bores the agent so much with her chattiness that he eventually lets her go because, well, her babbling is just too much for him and immediately we are reminded of the Louisa we met in the first book, awkward, talkative and well you will either love or hate her no inbetweeners.
She's on her way to meet Nathan, he's hooked her up with a fab new job as an "assistant" to New York's elite... Now if you remember anything about Lou, she doesn't really seem like the elite type and this juxtaposition of her character, the city and her new client makes for an interesting read.
Without giving too much away, there's a few surprises in her family too which she has to adjust to.
In the 2nd book she met Sam and he seemed like a perfect fit for her, but their relationship takes a few unexpected turns in this one and it really becomes a big question mark in this book.
There's a few new characters here as well and for the most part their stories are also very interesting which is something I like about these books it doesn't revolve around Lou and her life.
There's undoubtedly many lessons in this book but reading it around this time of year the one that resonated most with me was to find the answers to "what makes me happy and what do I want to do with my life".
A little introspection never hurt anyone and I'd suggest this one to you especially if you find yourself asking these questions.
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